Each passing day presents new challenges which have to be faced with confidence and strong will power. The advancement of technology has delivered several useful tools that can make teaching far easier and rewarding. Internet and other IT devices have opened up a new world of knowledge which is accessible right in a classroom. Besides access to information, technology can also be used for developing problem solving and critical thinking skills , motivating student reading practice and improving communication skills, among other things. “Each movement in a golden opportunity, an opportunity to learn ,to give ,to help, to love, to fully live”. Education today is no longer confined to the four walls of the classroom. All round efforts are being made to provide qualitative ,value based ,activity oriented education in our school. Our striving for excellence in this direction has led us to believe that the interest and curiosity of a child has to be kept ever alive. We have also been successful in providing a conductive and congenial atmosphere in the school so that the activity of teaching and learning is done successfully.
“Education has to be a process which prepares the student to learn to develop a way of thinking , that is known success in academics alone is not our aim but to create good and thinking individuals with a right and positive attitude and also equip them to face real life situation”.